Austin Matchmaker


Are your friends hurting your love life in Austin?

Are your friends hurting your love life in Austin? The world of dating can be tough to navigate and the last thing we want is for our friends—who are supposed to be our biggest supporters—is to get in the way of our romantic pursuits.

 We’ll start off by mentioning five scenarios in which your friends may be hurting your love life n Austin and then we’ll propose some solutions for shaking off these patterns. Here are the top 5 signs your friends may be affecting your love life: 

1. Your friend is basically your partner

The first scenario is when your best friend is also your emotional support. If that’s your life, then you might have a hard time seeing the point of dating when your friend is already fulfilling a lot of the deep emotional roles that a partner would. And it can also be really hard to picture anyone else in your life when it feels like your friendship is already at the peak of intimacy. 

2. Are you listening to your friends opinion more than your own? 

Having a friendship means sometimes sharing an opinion, but this can also be a problem if you allow a friend’s viewpoint to muddle your own perspective. Have ever met a person and found them exciting only to overlook them because a friend intimated they were not attractive or they had an unconventional lifestyle? It may be time to pay attention to the signals you are sending to yourself and your friends.

3. Your friend doesn’t want to be left out of your life.

 It might also be high time to avoid introducing a potential romantic partner to your friend or friends before you have both walked a shorter distance down the path of a relationship. A friend who is consistently negative about your dating choices might have their own issues of jealousy or insecurity to work through. And if you are consistently hearing “red flags” about your potential partners, it also might be just bad luck in friendship that you are currently experiencing.

4. Are your friends jaded and is it rubbing off on you?

Females often compete with one another; who has the latest pair of shoes, salary, hair, who is going to find the best partner first? Do they often post pictures of expensive gifts or destinations on social media? Are they causing you to wish your partner matched these extravagances? This is how your friends are hurting your love life in Austin.

5. Are you competitive with your friends?

To sum up, dating can be complicated, even for the most seasoned of daters. Friends may offer the kind of advice and support that can make or break a budding romance, but oftentimes they tend too much in the direction of providing cheerleading services. 

When to pivot and when to go on the offensive in a dating situation are not areas where a tight, well-rehearsed friendship is likely to help you see the opportunities (or the potential dating disasters) in front of you clearly.

Surrounding yourself with people who have given up on love is not a good way to maintain an optimistic dating outlook. If your friends’ standards for relationships are low, or if they’re just not into love at the moment, their negative attitudes can be a serious buzzkill for your dating life. This is how your friends are hurting your  love life in Austin.

What you really want are friends who are in wonderful, committed relationships and are just head over heels for their partners. These are the friends who might be willing to hook you up with someone great. You need to avoid friends that are hurting your love life in Austin.