There are many Austin date rules to live by. When you’re going on an Austin date with someone you’ve never met before — whether that’s someone you met on a dating app, a friend of a friend, or a totally blind date — it’s normal to be a little nervous and worry that things won’t go well.
Thanks to dating apps and websites, scoring a first date is easier now more than ever. But nowadays, there are too many first dates and not enough follow-up dates. Sometimes the idea of going on yet another first date with yet another person to see, can be daunting. In those moments, remind yourself of this crucial fact: all you’re looking for is one person in Austin who’s a match, and that can happen at any time.
1. Dress to impress.
You never get a second chance to make a first impression on your Austin date. Don’t wear things like yoga pants, gym clothes, ripped clothing, unpolished shoes, t-shirts and anything else you would not wear on a job interview. This is are Austin date rules to live by.
2. Be on time
Being late for an Austin date is a sure way to start off the date on the wrong foot. Would you want them to show up late? Probably not. By being late, you’re showing total disrespect for the other person.
3. Put your phone on hold
You are on a date, with a real human being, so please take an hour break from texting, social media, and surfing the web, and focus on the present. Use it as an opportunity to reflect on how your Austin date is going. You want to make sure your date knows that they have your full attention. If your phone is out and you’re texting, you’re conveying to them that something else is way more important.
4. Use proper etiquette.
Your manners go a long way and they show your Austin date a lot about who you are.
In terms of knowing how to act on a first date, you have to be on your very best behavior.
5. Smile a lot.
Psychologists have found that when you smile on a first date — a genuine smile, not a pasted-on one — will set positive expectations for the rest of your Austin date. You can be sure that not many frowners get asked out on a second date!
6. Watch your language and humor
Not everyone will have the same sense of humor as you. Keep the jokes smart and appropriate. One of the more obvious first date tips is to be mindful of your language. When going on a first Austin date, you don’t know much about them, so keep your language neutral. Avoid any swearing, slurs or comments that could be deemed offensive. Jokes have their place but until you know who you are dealing with, you shouldn’t tell offensive jokes on first dates.
7. Give compliments.
A simple sincere comment such as “you have a great smile” goes a long way in creating chemistry. If you’re worried about coming on too strong, compliment your date on something other than their appearance—like their laugh, sense of humor, intelligence or great taste in music.
8. Ask lots of open ended questions
Sure, you have to tell them about yourself, but make sure you’re asking your date questions about their own accomplishments and hobbies. Science shows people are attracted to dates who spark conversation topics that show they are curious, intelligent, and cultured.
9. Make it a two way conversation
When someone shares something about themselves or asks you a question, always reply back by sharing a similar story, or by asking them the same question. It’s polite and it keeps the conversation equal. Even the most thoughtful and selfless person is guilty of talking about themselves too much on a first date. If you don’t know what else to talk about , your go-to is always to learn more about your Austin date.
10, No complaining
Even if it is the worst food, service, or you have had a bad day at work, find a way to be positive and make your date feel comfortable. The other person may also be conveniently imagining how unpleasant married life with you will be
11. Stay present.
Talking about past relationships gives your date the idea that you’re on the rebound and make them assume you’re not over your ex, which isn’t a great foundation to build on. One of the key ways to act on a first date is to stick to the here and now. Also, don’t ask questions that are too personal or would suggest that your date needs to overshare with you.
12. Be careful with alcohol consumption
Don’t drink before the date or get drunk on the date. Sure, a cocktail or two can be fun and loosen the mood, but know your limits. While it will certainly help you lower your inhibitions, if you become too inebriated, you may find that your behavior is very unattractive.
13.Avoid “touchy” subjects
Talking about political views, religion, childrearing philosophy, money, troubled childhood, vegan diets (views on animal rights ), any type of polarizing topics doesn’t help create romance. Keep it light and casual. Work your way to securing the second or third dates before discussing your interest in the woes of the world.
Dating, especially first dates, can be scary. But with the right mindset and our first date tips they can also be a lot of fun. With a little prep work before, being present during, and proper follow-up after, you’re sure to get the most out of any Austin date you go on. And if it doesn’t lead to a second… there’s always Something More!
Want more dating advice from Julia? Subscribe to her you tube channel to see her popular videos.
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