Austin Matchmaker


Top Six Signs You really are in love

Are you questioning if you really are in love? You may have turned to a friend or family member for insight, and if so, they’re probably like most people and said something to the effect of “you just know,” or “it’s hard to describe,” or the even more common “it’s something you feel.” While those answers may ring true for some, they’re not exactly guides for understanding the signs and stages of romantic relationships. The experience that you really are in love in Austin is often depicted as a powerful and intense emotional state.

What is real genuine love? It is a real concern for the well-being and happiness of that other person. When a person says “I love you,” that pronouncement must, if it is to mean anything at all, be accompanied by an honest-to-goodness interest in that other: In what might be called the “genuine love” paradigm, self-reliance coexists with sharing.

Here are the top 5 classic indicators that you really are in love:

1. A Profound Emotional Connection. 

A person might feel a significant, deep emotional bond with the object of their affection. In terms of genuine love in Austin and romance, that’s a pretty safe indicator you’re not just in it for the looks. You’re in it because you two are, on some level, soulmates. 

2. Another classic symptom is obsessive thinking.

 When you are in a state of obsessive thinking, you might not even be able to concentrate on your work or your studies. You’re constantly imagining cute, romantic scenarios with the person you’ve set your sights on. This means it could be you really are in love. 

3. You have a potent longing for intimacy. 

You might want to be with them all the time, even though you can’t, and you’re certainly not the only one with that desire. And in this situation, being with them brings you just about the highest measure of joy and excitement possible. You get a little effervescent just thinking about or interacting with them. Their happiness might even be a priority for you. You might even be “in the space” of sweet, sweet, romantic genuine love in Austin. You really are in love!

4. Sharing personal thoughts you’ve never shared before.

To fall in love typically requires being open and exposed to emotions that, for some, are strictly off-limits. When in this state, individuals may find themselves sharing personal thoughts and feelings in a manner they’ve reserved only for the closest of close.

5..Future planning is another indicator of a love-struck condition

You might suddenly glimpse a time when the love interest is, for better or worse, a major part of your day-to-day existence. And then there’s the physical stuff—the racing heart, the gnawing in the gut, the exhilaration upon seeing, or even thinking about, your person.

6. Another sign may be jealousy or protectiveness, but they aren’t always healthy indicators.

 If you feel jealous or protective of the person you love, it might suggest that your feelings have intensified beyond friendly affection. It might indicate that you love, or are starting to love them. 

On the other hand, if you have protectiveness and love, they can be healthy emotions. Healthy jealousy can occur when you want to be with the person you love and be the special one in your life. It happens when you have a deep affection for someone and want to show that you care genuinely about them. It can be a sign that your love is truly developing and growing.

7. You want to spend as much time with them as possible. 

Even if you’re busy, you probably find yourself arranging your schedule to see your partner. This might also involve a desire to get to know more about them by exploring their interests.

 In conclusion, if what you feel for your partner has matured into tenderness and trust, not to mention a sincere concern for your partner’s welfare, then you’re probably in love. When you really are in love, it means understanding your partner on a deep and intuitive level—knowing their emotions, what makes them happy, what pushes their buttons, and how they typically respond to life’s various curveballs. 

Being in love differs for everyone, but understanding the potential signs can help you identify the experience. If you’re asking, “How do you know if you’re in love,” you can take the love or lust relationship quiz to help you figure it out.